(#5) I'm thankful for my car

It was one of those days...

 My car has been having electrical/mechanical problems lately, which kept me from picking up my parents from the airport tonight. Thankfully my sister was able to do it.

A mechanic charged me a pretty penny to tell me what the problem wasn't and offered to charge me another dollar to put in a quarter's worth of new parts. Thankfully I was able to buy the parts myself for less and can do the work at my house.

Later in the day another driver backed into my parked car. Thankfully it caused no damage.

Throughout it all, I have suffered no want which God did not supply. But I confess to having felt anger, frustration, self-pity, anger, self-pity, anger and then a little more self-pity and anger.

Why does stuff like this seem like such a big deal in the moment? None of it was critical to my well-being. None of it hurt anyone I love or care about. And I'm confident none of it seemed nearly as important to God as it seemed to me. 

God was watching out for me today, but he no doubt is at work at this very moment in other places and in other events, the significance of which I cannot even imagine. He is carrying out the work of redemption. He is saving people from the clutches of Satan, his angels are warring against the hosts of darkness, his Son is forever interceding on behalf of the saints, and a billion gazillion angels are worshiping the Lord in the beauty of holiness with all their might. 

So instead of complaining, God, I'm thankful for my car. 


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