(#6) I'm thankful for healthy decompression

I think there's a lot of pressure in this world to always take ourselves very seriously,  to never ever be silly or really have fun. Work, work, work, 24/7, or you'll be a failure, you'll never reach your potential,  you'll let people down. On top of that there's the push by our culture to become immensely concerned when something isn't right in the world. Are you happy? Well the president just said something offensive, so you should be angry. Are you content? Well check your privilege, because there's millions of people starving right now.  On and on it goes... Sometimes we think being silly for a moment will ruin that whole Clint Eastwood tough guy act we've been perfecting... "What if they find out I'm not actually carved out of granite?"

I'm so thankful that God does provide joy to his children and ways to relax and be relieved from our daily burdens in a way that is pure and wholesome. Some people turn to alcohol and drugs, some to illicit sex, some to porn, others to other forms of escapism that leave them even more haunted than before. But tonight I think one of the best things one can do is to just enjoy the company of other Christians, play Rock Band, have a grill out,  go running together, go hiking, talk, laugh, reminisce, think about how great God is, and truly open oneself up to the joy of the Lord and the rich blessings he showers upon us.


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