(#19) I'm thankful for Tuskeegee National Forest

Tuskeegee National Forest is about 10 minutes from where I live. At around 11,000 acres, it's the smallest national park. I frequently find myself driving around its dirt roads in order to get some fresh air and meditate. I've also done a good bit of running and hiking around its trails. In 2012, while I was training for a marathon, most of my "long runs", anything over 10 miles, were done there on early Sunday mornings. The forest is regularly logged and you will see very few large trees, but most of the land is wooded with young (less than 20 year old) pine. There is a decent variety of wildlife but it is rare to see anything in my experience. A couple of times I have seen whitetail deer and once I saw a dead boar. I found a skull one time which seemed to belong to a fox or coyote.

Interesting links:
Some info about the forest
Trail map
Bigfoot sighting...


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